Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Update #2

This is where I am today

Red = to be completed

1/ Revised maquette with fur gloves hanging - underway
2/ Get a feel for the portrait by way of a stand alone clay head - underway
3/ Original plaster maquette enlarged to 3/4 life size - underway
4/ Life size lay figure to model clothes for reference - underway
5/ Costumier (Liz Gurney) to make life-size replica polar kit - underway
6/ Polar kit put on lay figure and configured to the original maquette and 3/4 life clay 
7/ 3/4 life clay finished to high standard
8/ 3/4 life enlarged to full size
9/ mould made of full size
10/ full size bronze cast.

I have now got everything in place on the 3/4.  Next will be to finish this, work up the portrait and refine detail.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Update #1

It is now mid February and things are going well.

Here is a list of what has to be done to arrive at the finished bronze (not including the plinth)

1/ Revised maquette with fur gloves hanging - underway
2/ Get a feel for the portrait by way of a stand alone clay head - underway
3/ Original plaster maquette enlarged to 3/4 life size - underway
4/ Life size lay figure to model clothes for reference - underway
5/ Costumier (Liz Gurney) to make life-size replica polar kit - underway
6/ Polar kit put on lay figure and configured to the original maquette and 3/4 life clay 
7/ 3/4 life clay finished to high standard
8/ 3/4 life enlarged to full size
9/ mould made of full size
10/ full size bronze cast.

I hope this next part is clear.  I have to model up the 3/4 life...seen below at an early stage

to ensure that the qualities in the original maquette do not diminish when enlarged before I tackle the lay figure.  Once I am happy with the 3/4 in blocked out form, I will model up the lay figure so that it has the same movements and proportions.  Once the kit is on, I have reference for the drapery.

Lay figure (life-size, wrapped)

Here are some pictures of the work so far

Clay maquette with gloves

I feel the gloves are hanging a little low - and his right hand one could tuck around the back of the thigh a little more

Sourcing photographic reference for the portrait with Alexandra Shackleton
Alexandra assessing a trial portrait

Monday, 7 December 2015


In 2015, Kildare County Council announced an international competition to create a commemorative sculpture of the explorer Ernest Shackleton.  The work will be located in Athy, close to where Shackleton was born and spent his boyhood.